Saturday, October 18, 2008

Working Committee Initiates Projects, Invites Participation to Share Heritage and Turn Hearts.

The "working committee" is open to all. You are invited to become an active member. The next meeting will be Saturday February 21, 2009 at the LDS chapel at 955 N 300 E, Orem, Utah. The purpose of the committee is to collect, share, and preserve our heritage and family history and to turn our hearts in family and heavenly directions.

Today the "working committee" met and outlined some initial objectives and projects for the family organization. These include:

(1) Development of a website, for which this blog is an interim substitute.

This website will support the sharing of books and other documents, pictures, and other Mellor family history information.

(2) Creation of an index for the Mellor Book, The Mellors Through the Years.

(3) The listing of errors and discrepancies found in the book, The Mellors Through the Years.

(4) Expansion of family information in the Mellor Book, extending the information within each branch of the family to current generations.

(5) Collection of cemetery information for Mellor descendants, for Fayette, Dover, and other cemeteries where descendants are interred.

(6) Development of an inventory of family-related documents, including those in possession of various family members, and the typing, scanning. and preservation of these documents.

1 comment:

Roelene said...

I think you are wonderful for doing this. We haven't been able to come to a reunion and so this is neat to see. Roelene Taylor